Registered office in the Czech Republic:
Company | RATAJ a.s. |
Address |
Doubravice 121 |
IČ | 49023594 |
DIČ | CZ49023594 |
Opening hours | 6:00 - 14:30 (depot), 7:00 - 15:30 (administration) |
Data box | dr9q5u |
Tel. / fax | +420 387 240 910 +420 387 241 041 +420 387 241 630 | |
Registered office in the Czech Republic:
GPS: 48.9307253N, 14.5095722E
(main road from České Budějovice course Trhové Sviny, cca 300 m in front of the village Nedabyle)
Chairman of the Board of Management, Director
Member of the Board of Directors and Economic director
Technical Director
Production Manager
Business Manager
Sales Department
Personnel Officer
System Control Manager